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Loren Wicksall


“Hello! My name is Loren, and I want to help you through the healing nature of massage therapy! I am a medically trained licensed massage therapist who is always taking more classes on specific needs and modalities to make sure I’m well rounded. I love incorporating heat into my massage sessions through the heated table as well as using hot stone therapy. I am definitely more of a therapeutic massage therapist, however, I also enjoy doing relaxation therapy as well! Any questions, always feel free to reach out! In my spare time I love traveling and doing a lot of outdoor activities in the nice months of the year. Hiking, camping, kayaking, and road trips are always top tier for me. In the winter cold months, I turn into a little bear and hibernate with my Nintendo switch and my cats in a fuzzy blankets with endless amounts of hot tea. I find the more and more I age the more I’m into the simple comforts of life. This body can’t mosh anymore but I do love going to shows. Have any good books recs? Send em’ my way!”

Laura's Art

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